Strategies and Program Tactics

What is Multiple Intelligences Theory?
  • Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences proposes that people are not born with all of the intelligence they will ever have.
  • This theory challenged the traditional notion that there is one single type of intelligence, sometimes known as “g” for general intelligence, that only focuses on cognitive abilities.
  • To broaden this notion of intelligence, Gardner introduced eight different types of intelligences consisting of: Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist.
  • Gardner notes that the linguistic and logical-mathematical modalities are most typed valued in school and society.
  • Gardner also suggests that there may be other “candidate” intelligences—such as spiritual intelligence, existential intelligence, and moral intelligence—but does not believe these meet his original inclusion criteria. (Gardner, 2011).

How do Children Learn? What Are the Different Learning Styles?

The JLTA student assessment is based on these Intelligences and learning styles. By tapping into these assets, the ability to teach and develop becomes easier, highly effective, and faster. With this knowledge, we design a goal-oriented program for that student which in turn accelerates the kinetic (physical/motor skills) chain….which in turn increases the confidence level in that individual student. This domino-building training design is not magic. Yet, sometimes it seems like it. Still, all this is occurring under a much larger developmental umbrella.

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